Tassels seem to be all the rage right now! I made some this morning, and thought I'd post a little tutorial about how I made mine. They were easy and quick. Now I have a cute little touch to add to my bulletin boards next year.
Step 1
Gather your materials. These include a hot glue gun, scissors, twine, and ribbons of your choice. Go ahead and plug in your hot glue gun. An optional material would be a needy and judgemental cat who refuses to look at you because you are busy not snuggling with him, but you don't have to have one of those.
Step 2
Cut your ribbons. Decide how long you want your tassel (mine are going beside a pennant title on a bulletin board, so I measured it against that), then double the length before cutting. Go ahead and cut all the ribbons you need. I knew I was going to make six tassels, so I cut six in each ribbon style.
Step 3
Gather, pinch, fold, and twist. Gather the ribbons for one tassel-I used one of each style. Find the halfway point, and twist the ribbon there as you fold it in half. At this point, you may think about how you need to redo your manicure-but don't get too distracted! You may want to go ahead and put a dab of hot glue where the sides meet.
Step 4
Wrap it up. Put a dab of hot glue on the tassel and begin wrapping the twine around. Twine may not work for your style, so you could just use a small ribbon that matches your color scheme! After wrapping it a few times, finish it off with another dab of hot glue and cut off the excess twine.
Step 5
Voilà! You are finished. I am going to attach my tassels to pennants later. My pennant isn't complete because I can't find the box in my storage room where my paint brushes are. I need to do some mod podging for the titles! Some people make a whole garland of tassels, which I think is pretty cute too!
Alright, manicure time for me!

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