Today I am linking up with for a 2015 Reflection. Let’s do a little countdown, shall we? Here is my Top 10 for 2015!
10. TPT
In February, I decided to start trying to sell some of the
things I have been creating these past eight years as a 2nd grade
teacher on a pretty cool website called Teachers Pay Teachers. Do you know it?
Jk. My coworkers have been nagging me to do this for ages, but I knew it would
be a lot of work. I wanted to do it right. I had to check into the legalities
of my creations, clip art use, etc. If you’re reading this, you probably know
the drill. So I finally took the plunge and got creating! I am pleased with how
it is going so far, but hope to add more and really make a name for myself in
the TPT world.
9. Starting The Blog
At the same time I began TPT, I knew that having a blog was
going to help me sell products. Furthermore, it was going to help me share
ideas. I think that in my own classroom, my best work does not happen in a way
that I am able to market through a product, so having a blog is a great way for
me to reach out and share! My then boyfriend-soon-to-be-fiance helped me create
a logo. Soon after beginning the blog, I knew I was going to need some design
help, so I found and hired Alexis at Laugh Eat Learn to do the work for me. Check her out!
8. Engagement
7. TPT Seller Challenge
In June, I took the TPT Seller Challenge. Or, I started to
take the Challenge. I think I participated in 3 out of 4 weeks. It was a good
experience because it got me reflecting on my work so far and helped me hone
some skills. Read about what I learned and did through this challenge here and
6. Baby Cora
I got a new niece! This was basically the highlight of my
summer. She is super sweet, and loves to smile and squeal. I’m glad that I have
both a nephew and niece to spoil and I’m so thankful to live a little bit
closer to my sister now than I did in the past.
5. The First Day
Yes, the first day of school was a momentous and important
occasion in 2015. It was my first new school since my first year of teaching.
In the week leading up to it, I felt like seven years of first days did not
adequately prepare me for the first day of year eight. I was so nervous! But it
went beautifully. And it was only the first of many beautiful days.
4. Moving Again
In September, we bought and moved into a dream condo in a
great location in Atlanta. We love working together to make this place a true
home. Most recently, we finally got a sofa!
3. A New Place
I could dwell on the past and get all sappy, but I already
did that here. As 2015 comes to a close, I could not be more thankful to have
found a teaching position in a wonderful new school. The Lord certainly answers
prayers. Finding a new school to work in is about so much more than location.
It’s about finding your place. A place among a community, coworkers, and
children. We all have a place, don’t we? And right now, mine is really lovely.
In October, the best day of the year happened. Our wedding
day. Check out this post for some more pictures and details.
Our honeymoon was a huge highlight of our year together. We
waited about a month after our wedding to go to Jamaica (had to take advantage
of Thanksgiving break) and it was so
amazing. Ah, I can close my eyes and almost
feel the warm tropical breeze right now…oh wait, that’s just December in

Hi Stephanie! Found you through the linkup. Way to go on starting a blog and selling on TpT! I just started my blog a year ago - so much to learn! I want to share some materials on TpT but havn't been as motivated as you. Love your blog design too!
ReplyDeleteWhat a memorable year for you!
Best wishes in 2016!