March 28, 2015

New Design!

Hi guys! I've been a little quiet this week because I didn't want anyone hopping over to my blog while it was in the process of being redesigned! I am super excited to officially unveil my new blog design today! I also have a new Facebook and TpT look. Let me know what you think.

Special thanks to Alexis at Laugh Eat Learn. She was able to take all of my general ideas, work with my original logo, and help me update it-complete with polka dots and fancy widgets and links! Check out her blog at the link above.

It's been a big week. We had parent teacher conferences and I was able to leave school at 1:00 on Friday with 100% of my parents conferenced with! Woo hoo! There have also been some other big things going on lately, which you're sure to hear about soon. Let me just say "big" one more time.

Have a great weekend! I'm hoping to be back by Monday with an update on March Math Madness!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy I was able to create something unique for you AND use your wonderful logo!! :] <3
