It's the day before the first day of school. It's so exciting, but at the same time a little nerve wracking. Is everything ready? What did I forget? What will this year be like? It's safe to say that I will have to drink a little Sleepytime tea tonight to get my jitters calm enough for a good night's sleep.
This weekend, I've been thinking about what I can do to take care of me this weekend. The first weeks of school are so exhausting. We're all transitioning from summer and learning new things. We don't have the comfort of our routines yet, and, as a result, we have to teach through every single little second in our classroom.
I'll reiterate what I said a few weeks ago in a similar post: I can't give anyone my best if I haven't given it to myself first.
So here is my list of ways I will take care of ME this week:
1. I'm going to try and get together my outfits and meals for the week. Sometimes I do this, sometimes I don't but I know that for SURE I want to have calm and collected mornings for this first week of school!
2. I am such a planner that I am always working a few steps ahead of myself. I really want to remember to stay present in my classroom this week and enjoy everything that is going on without worrying about what will come next! There is time for that after the school day ends.
3. I just want to remember to have fun! And help my students have fun! Being at a new school means that I may feel unsure about a lot that is going on, and I know that sometimes that can make me come across a little more stressed out or aloof than I would like to be. I know that having fun not what school is all about, but it sure does make it easier for all of us!

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